Best Durga Puja in Atlanta Georgia
Georgia Bengali Forum (GBF) organizes best Bengali Durga Puja in Atlanta. Our event is always open to everyone, and there’s absolutely no membership required to attend or enjoy the delicious food.
Georgia Bengali Forum (GBF) organizes best Bengali Durga Puja in Atlanta. Our event is always open to everyone, and there’s absolutely no membership required to attend or enjoy the delicious food.
GBF celebrated সরস্বতী পূজা on February 17th, 2024 (Saturday) at Impact Hall, Global Mall.
GBF celebrated শারদীয় দুর্গা পূজা 2023 on Oct 21st – 22nd, 2023 at Impact Hall, Global Mall…
GBF celebrated yearly picnic 2023 with its members, well wishers, patrons on July 23rd, 2023.